the most common delimited-text format is csv = comma-separated values) of all your records and that file will be able to be imported into every or nearly every password manager.

Safe digital transfer of information from one password manager to the other as the idea of manually typing it all is just out of the question. If you’re going to continue the list and are interested in adding a column, discovering which password managers offer this type of portability would be very helpful to informed decision-making. Imagine typing passwords like hundreds of times? No thanks! I guess the issue for me will be having used Lastpass for so many years (and having so many usernames, passwords and other secured info with them) I’ll need to discover some type of safe digital transfer of information from one password manager to the other as the idea of manually typing it all is just out of the question.
I’m wondering just how different password management software can be? (probably quite different?) Looking at the averaging you’ve done recently, I am going to check out the second and third most used on your list and see if any seem to fit my requirements. Seemingly Lastpass is secure, or maybe a better way to put it is that I haven’t experienced any compromises yet, but given that I’d rather support a smaller company than a listed corporate who’s main aim is to fleece it’s users, I am still looking for alternatives, so thanks once again for producing the list.
If I discover software that I like I tend to buy the paid version, especially if it is a new product, as I like to support the development of products I like and use, rather than just surf through using the free version (I upgraded to Glasswire paid version early on too), however I have to say that now that Lastpass has been taken over, the product quality had stagnated and the price is now unrealistic for the value provided. To be honest, it was some years ago when I upgraded from the free to the paid account. Hi Remah, thanks very much for your helpful reply and additional sleuthing work on the Lastpass paid verses free. But having said that, Keepass does well in product comparisons that emphasize features like secure, free, open-source, and portable: Slant For this reason I suspect that GlassWire users are more technical. But it is not easy to use like the other most popular password managers. It is an excellent product which is why I use it. If the Keepass trend is in the right ballpark then I’m surprised. From 2017 to 2020 that would be more than 50% increase which could mean that the number of Lastpass users has not fallen even if their marketshare has declined. The overall market for password managers is said to be increasing by 15% a year. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread Thanks very much for producing this poll, as despite any difficulties with inclusivity, representation or statistics, seeing how many Glasswire users utilize each password manager is very helpful as I tend to think that the vast majority of Glasswire users display an ability to think independently and have more than above-average technical knowledge, so their rationale for using one password manager over another is quite insightful, and especially so when users report that they have migrated from one password manager to another. Without wishing to hijack this thread, if any users have any comments on moving away from Lastpass (or any other password manager for that matter) and have any pain-free strategies for moving hundreds of usernames and passwords from the old to the new password manager, this would be gratefully appreciated. Rising from 12 to 72 dollars per year is absolutely ridiculous and there’s been very little improvement in functionality, if any.Ī blog/comments section was introduced whereby Lastpass would ostensibly promote their supposed product improvements and invite comments, but all comments not slavishly singing their praises were deleted. Longer term users of Lastpass have seen the price paid rise from USD12 per year to now (if memory serves me correctly) USD36 for six months.

I think people tend to interact with voluntary polls like this one when they are happy and reasonably enthused about, in this case, their password manager. I can understand why there’s been some downward drift in the numbers of people apparently using Lastpass.

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